Alex Lab points to Lazarus Group after last month's $4M exploit

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After being exploited for $4.3 million in May, Alex Lab reveals they have since found “substantial transaction evidence” pointing the attack to North Korea’s Lazarus Group.

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Alex Lab points to Lazarus Group after last month's $4M exploit

After being exploited for $4.3 million in May, Alex Lab reveals they have since found “substantial transaction evidence” pointing the attack to North Korea’s Lazarus Group.

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We strive to uphold the highest ethical standards in all of our reporting and coverage. We want to be transparent with our readers about any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in our work. It’s possible that some of the investors we feature may have connections to other businesses, including competitors or companies we write about. However, we want to assure our readers that this will not have any impact on the integrity or impartiality of our reporting. We are committed to delivering accurate, unbiased news and information to our audience, and we will continue to uphold our ethics and principles in all of our work. Thank you for your trust and support.

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