Home General Entrepreneur Meet-Ups | Gurugram | July 17

Entrepreneur Meet-Ups | Gurugram | July 17

Ticket Price – ₹999

Event Description

🚀 We welcome you the Perfect Platform for Young Entrepreneurs in Gurugram! 🚀

📅 17th July | 1 PM

🌟 Guest Speakers:
Jitendra Sharma - Founder of HairOriginals
Abhit Sinha - Founder of Orbo.AI
Kshitij Bajaj - Founder of Dandera Technology

🎯Who Should Attend:
Ideal for individuals with innovative ideas seeking co-founders, entrepreneurs facing business challenges, and early-stage startups looking for funding.

🎯Why Attend:
Gain the opportunity to pitch ideas, receive guidance from mentors, network with like-minded individuals, and get valuable feedback to overcome challenges and accelerate growth.

Meet Like Minded People Individuals, Networking Opportunities, Smart Ideation And Take feedback from the Mentors! 🚀

Organizer - DareDevCon
Contact Details - +91-8881292957
Visit our website - www.daredevcon.com

Event Details

Date: July 17, 2024

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