Home Un International Brand-Revive: A Marketing Competition | KJSCE Mumbai | April 2

Brand-Revive: A Marketing Competition | KJSCE Mumbai | April 2

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Event Description

Introducing "Brand-Revive", a marketing competition organized by BloomBox, the E-Cell of KJSCE, as part of E-Summit 2024. This challenge is designed to test participants' knowledge and skills in building effective marketing strategies. The event comprises two rounds: Round 1, an online quiz or E-Trivia round, and Round 2, an offline competition for participants who advance from the online round. In Round 2, participants will be presented with a problem statement, and based on this statement, they must construct a comprehensive Go-To-Market and brand strategy.

The Online Quiz will be conducted on 2nd April 2024 at 8:00 PM (On Unstop).

The selected candidates will proceed to the Finale round which will take place inside the campus of KJ Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai on 6th April 2024.

Teams participating in the competition will create PowerPoint presentations comprising three essential elements:

  • An introduction addressing the problem statement
  • A Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy
  • Creative marketing strategies.

The introduction will offer a clear understanding of the team's solution approach. Subsequently, the GTM strategy will outline the team's plan to effectively bring their solution to market. Lastly, the presentation will showcase innovative and creative marketing strategies, including slogans aimed at reviving the brand strategy. Teams will be shortlisted based on these presentations and will proceed to pitch their marketing branding strategy in subsequent rounds.


  • Each participant can register as part of only one team.
  • Multiple registrations will lead to disqualification.
  • The online round 1  will be conducted as a Trivia Quiz.
  • Round 2 entails a 4-6 slide PowerPoint presentation addressing a provided problem statement, including team introductions, GTM strategy, marketing strategies, references, and a thank-you slide.
  • The shortlisted teams, based on their PPT will have to pitch their marketing strategy solution to the judges.


  • Team Size: 2-4 members.
  • Round 1 will be an Online Trivia Quiz.
  • Round 2 will be an offline Presentation round for the provided problem statement.
  • PPT presentation slide limit 4-6 which includes team introductions, GTM strategy, marketing strategies, references, and a thank-you slide.
  • Shortlisted teams based on PPT Presentation will have to pitch the marketing to judges for about 5-7 minutes.

Event Details

Date: April 02, 2024

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