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Bad actors and ‘block storms’ — Bitcoin dev calls for testnet reboot

Bitcoin’s most popular testnet is in dire need of a reboot due to “block storms” and projects being...

Cristiano Ronaldo unveils 4th NFT collection with Binance despite $1B lawsuit

The collection will launch on 29 May with fixed pricing across most items. Source link

Web3 investment up 55% in Q1 as crypto VC interest rebounds

The total investment in Web3 firms increased by 55% in the first quarter of 2024, signaling the return...

Hodler’s Digest, May 5-11 – Cointelegraph Magazine

Top Stories This Week ​​SEC files final...

Chinese workers paid in CBDC are cashing it out for real money: Report

China’s digital currency project reportedly still has teething problems, with a report suggesting some state Chinese workers being...

Dolce & Gabbana face class action lawsuit after NFT delivery kerfuffle

A disgruntled customer has filed a class action lawsuit against Italian fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana and digital...

Bitcoin fees crash after record daily average of $128 on halving day

The average fees paid on Bitcoin have sharply fallen just a day after reaching a record average of...

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