Gaby Del Valle

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Elon Musk has fully bought into the ‘great replacement’

For months, Elon Musk has been dropping decidedly unsubtle hints that he believes in the great replacement, a...

Surveillance has a body count: CBP reports 895 migrant deaths in 2022

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) just released updated data on migrant deaths at the US-Mexico border, and the...

Report: Meta fails to remove anti-trans posts from its platforms

GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ+ media advocacy group, claims that Meta’s content moderation system is allowing an “epidemic...

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Gaby Del Valle


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Elon Musk has fully bought into the ‘great replacement’

For months, Elon Musk has been dropping decidedly...

Surveillance has a body count: CBP reports 895 migrant deaths in 2022

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) just released updated...

Report: Meta fails to remove anti-trans posts from its platforms

GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ+ media advocacy group,...