Ron Miller

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Blackboard founder transforms Zoom add-on designed for teachers into business tool

When Class founder Michael Chasen was in college, he and a buddy came up with the idea for...

Nvidia could be primed to be the next AWS

Nvidia and Amazon Web Services, the lucrative cloud arm of Amazon, have a surprising amount in common. For...

Google goes all in on generative AI at Google Cloud Next

This week in Las Vegas, 30,000 folks came together to hear the latest and greatest from Google Cloud....

When it comes to building startups in Boston, success begets success

When Hubspot founders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah conceived of their inbound marketing startup in 2004, they were...

Atlan scores $105M for its data control plane, as LLMs boost importance of data

For the founders of Atlan, a data governance startup, data has always been at the heart of what... open source API puts generative AI in reach of any developer

Just about everyone is trying to get a piece of the generative AI action these days. While the...

Seam wants to make customer data accessible to every business user

As data access becomes increasingly tied to business success, making data available to all business users, regardless of...

NeuBird is building a generative AI solution for complex cloud native environments

NeuBird founders Goutham Rao and Vinod Jayaraman came from PortWorx, a cloud native storage solution they eventually sold...

After surpassing $100M in ARR, Harness Labs grabs a $150M line of credit

Harness Lab isn’t founder Jyoti Bansal’s first startup. He sold AppDynamics to Cisco for $3.7 billion in 2017,...

Anon is building an automated authentication layer for the gen AI age

As the notion of the AI agent begins to take hold, and more tasks will be completed without...

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Ron Miller


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Nvidia could be primed to be the next AWS

Nvidia and Amazon Web Services, the lucrative cloud...

Google goes all in on generative AI at Google Cloud Next

This week in Las Vegas, 30,000 folks came...

When it comes to building startups in Boston, success begets success

When Hubspot founders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah...